The Tao of Ruby, or Rules We Should All Live By

*When offered pizza by a strange man on the street you should definitely accept.

*If you find a severed deer leg in the woods, don't ask questions. Just grab it and take it home.

*Walks are good, very good.

*If a person rescues you from a bad situation they deserve your unconditional love and loyalty.

*When someone you love comes home greet them with a toy, a wagging tail, a shaking butt and kisses!

*If you don't get your way look as sad as possible- this usually works.

*Don't try to eat spiders. They can actually climb on your face with their spindly legs.

*Bark only in cases of extreme danger.

*If a bigger dog attacks you roll onto your back. If a smaller dog attacks you attack back.

*Avoid grates in the street at all costs. Who knows what's down there.

*Baths are unnecessary. So are nail trimmings. Dogs are naturally beautiful.


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