Ruby's Likes and Dislikes

Ruby's Likes


*Goodlife Bones

*Small, well-behaved dogs

*Walks, especially in the woods

*Carrying things in her mouth on walks

*Opie (her best daycare friend)


*Cheese, ice cream, peanut butter

*Beggin' Strips

*Her stuffed jack

*Ripping the stuffing out of her toys

*Eating bugs (moths especially)
*Corn muffins
*Tummy rubs

*Ignoring Dobby

*Stealing all of Shiloh's bones

*Bob Marley
*Riding in the gray, dented car
*Rachel (aka Barbie)

Ruby's Dislikes

*Not being with Elizabrary
*Going home after walks
*Boisterous, barking dogs
*Yelling or discord of any kind
*Grates in the streets
*Swimming, unless absolutely necessary
*Most fruits
*Being named Rhonda
*Grandma Ricki calling on the phone
*Baths and getting her nails trimmed
*Small ceramic dogs named Rhonda
*Cheesy, dog-hating FL neighborhoods

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